This is a discussion of phpBB spammers and their techniques as part of the background in building the phpBB "Bot" sniffer. Check out that link if you are looking for identifying bots on your board.

$Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2006/05/23 20:57:33 $

What is a spammer?

In the case of phpBB bulletin boards, or any greater community for that matter, "spammers" are parties who wish to use your community for their own financial interest. They may or may not be directly addressing your community to do so.

What is a "bot?"

Bot is a quick handle for "robot." Very often the term is applied to accounts that have been created with automated practices, or could very well have been. I'm fairly sure that there are very poor people in Russia, Nigeria and on the south asian rim who have a pulse and physically create the accounts. I still call them "bots." Just because world labor makes them cheaper than a shell script doesn't diminsh the automated aspect of the attack. That and it's a simple term.

What kinds of spammers are there?

In order of increasing annoyance and automation.
  • Direct Spamming Idiot

    A direct spamming idiot (hereafter DSI) is a person who registers an account on your board to specifically hawk their service or fee. Sometimes they are hawking a completeing bulletin board. Often these are actual people, and often they are just stupid idiots who don't recognize their actions as Spam. This is the natural spammer in the wild. Often the community deals with these folks directly and a simple ban is an effective technique.

  • Direct Spamming Bot

    Same idea as a DSI. Except it has been taken to the next level. Either via scripting, or the usage of very cheap labor in questionable nations of origin folks will directly advertise their product on your board. Very often the DSB is advertising something that has absolutely NOTHING to do with your community. The good ones will post something like "Hey Guys! Check out this cool site that does $spamming_thing over here" and the bad ones can be almost humorous "Want make cum night long all? Viagra we do."

  • Rank Stuffer Bot

    This, in my opinion, is one of the worse spammers. They create accounts whose account information are links back to their sites or products. Often their signatures and other information are all keyword grabs. Their action is often very silent and unnoticed by the board at large. So why are they the worse? Because they are using the good name of your board to boost their google rank. Your bandwidth and cred gets hijacked while your board gets full of junk accounts.

  • Super Piggies - DSB + RSB

    And this is the king of them all. The guy who's account is a blinking advertisement for his snake oil and then he turns around and posts a few happy posts about it to encourage direct sales and ranking as well. The worse of these will post long lists of keywords with links. So annoying.

How do I stop spammers?

Double-ought buckshot at close ranges is strongly reccomended. However some of the address information on spammers is sketchy at best and airplane fees and court costs make this an untenable option for most.

Silliness aside, the sad answer is that you can't stop them. They will figure out new things and be annoying as long as it is financially beneficial for them to do so. So at best, the question is "how do I slow down the spammers?" and to that, we have some tools at hand.

Short of direct intervention with projectiles, the best thing you can do is to lock down your board a bit to eliminate some common avenues of approach:

  1. Keep PHPbb current!

    This is a basic rule of ownership for any product such as phpBB, but it is worth stating. Keep current on your version of phpBB. Get used to package releases and alterations. Be ready to apply them. In the past some severe hacking holes have been found and closed. I'm sure that current and future SPAM problems will continue to be addressed in the core code.

    I find the release notification email is VERY helpful. Sign up for it here:

  2. Enable at least "User" level account activation.

    This is another basic rule. In your admin panel, under "Configureation" it needs to be set to either "User" or "Admin." "User" means the user will get an email, and will have to respond to it to activate the account. This will shut down a fair amount of DSB's. "Admin" means you will have to visually approve every account. That can be a bit tedious.

  3. Enable Visual Confirmation.

    This is now packaged as a part of phpBB. (since 2.0.18 I believe) You need GD support in PHP for this to work. Get it. What this does is require the user to read a graphic code and type the message in to create an account. Again, this will reduce a lot of DSBs.

  4. The ban game - Email

    With the above settings people need an email to register and become active. That email address is the first of several steps of banning common entry points.

    If it is highly likely that your subject does not appeal to folks from russia, it's a good step to ban "*" and "*" off the bat. I am assuming some of those purchasable programs that spam boards use these as their default mail location. Out of 7k users on one board, I have one actual user from and have had several hundred bots. This advice will likely change over time as spammers figure out what you are blocking.

    If you are lucky enough that you can be picky about user email locations, also ban common free email sites such as "*" and such. Spammers like to use them as they have scripts for such sites.

    Please note that you cannot ban top level domains such as "*@*.ru" or others. I hope this can change in later versions of phpBB. Outright banning a few countries such as Russia, Romania, and Taiwan can trim traffic down.

  5. The ban game - Keywords

  6. The ban game - IPs

  7. Trip the script

    Most of the scripts do a direct submit to the code. There is a point in phpBB where you must agree to the COPA agreement for the site. The value submitted for this is "agee." Simply making this small change to your code will alter that token and choke a few bots out: ...

  8. The hunt - inactive accounts

  9. The hunt - Bot Elimination

    All of the steps above, slow down the spammers arriving. But they will arrive. The front lines will be breached an you will need to move on to dealing with those who are present. Thus, move on to the next section:

Identifing the bots on your board

Either you started a new board and built up the wall, or you've raised some defenses after the first salvo of viagra ads hit your BB. Now you are looking ar your boards and wondering, how many of these people are here to really chat, and who is here to just sell viagra.

As I stated above, the volume of bots that end up on a phpBB system are there to stuff ranks and the often do so silently with unactivated accounts on the membership page. Scroll through the membership and look at the web links on your BBS. I bet some of them go off to or some other fun place such as a casino site.

I started noticing paterns in these bots and their methods and I wrote a script to identify these bots by their patterns. It is free to anyone who would like it. download it here and install and run it. Rebiew the output report and delete the offenders.

Happy hunting!

Taking the meat out of the SPAM - AKA some minor taste of revenge

  • Stuff This! - No inactive members in the member list

    Spammers usually use your to rank stuff. The primary loophole for this is that they can create an account, and never activate it, and it shows up on the memberpage. This is the link-back that they want. This is the google-hit they desire. So while eliminating these links will not stop the spammer bots from coming it will hit their wallet slightly.

    ... inactive mod ..


Issues and questions

Why do a lot of solutions reduce DSBs but not RSBs?